Forum on Pre-stress & Post-tensioning Technologies (2010)
The development of pre-stress and post-tensioning technologies is one of the most important innovations in structural concrete engineering in the twentieth century. Pre-stress and post-tensioning technologies promote the advanced performance in concrete structures as well as that in steel structures. Such techniques give a breakthrough in large-span and heavy-loading concrete structural fames and also provide beauty in architecture and economy in engineering.
Pre-stress and post-tensioning technologies were first introduced into Taiwan in the 1950s. These techniques efficiently improved the ability of engineering design in two freeways in Taiwan during the Ten Major Construction Projects from the 1970s to 1980s and the 6-Year National Construction Projects in the 1990s. The technique of construction quality and maintenance in infrastructures are the important topics in the near future. An interaction platform on the pre-stress and post-tensioning technologies is really indeed for pre-stress and post-tensioning technologies community.
China Engineering Consultants Inc. would like to host the forum on pre-stress and post-tensioning technologies. Themes of the forum include inspection techniques, health monitoring, damage assessment, design code, and anchorage system. The contents of forum cover the design codes in different countries or areas, design analysis, construction techniques, inspection and monitoring techniques, optimization of concrete structural system, and case studies. In the forum, we expect to raise the pre-stress and post-tensioning technologies and promote the long-term assurance of durability and safety in pre-stressed bridges.
有鑑於此,中華顧問工程司橋樑技術中心特舉辦此一論壇,論壇主題包括檢測技術(Inspection Techniques)、健康監測(Health Monitoring)、損傷評估(Damage Assessment)、設計規範(Designing Code)以及錨錠系統(Anchorage System)五大類,涵蓋國內外規範的介紹、設計分析、施工技術、檢監測技術、系統優化、國外特殊預力施工案例等。期能有效提升國內的預力技術,從而確保預力混凝土橋長期的耐久性與安全性。
貳、主辦單位(Host ):
一、 主辦單位 :
二、 共同主辦單位
暉毅預力器材股份有限公司 (Bulgar Eden Enterprise CO., LTD.)
參、舉辦時間與地點( Date & Venue ):
一、 時間( Date ):
March 18-19 (Thurs.-Fri.), 2010
二、 地點( Venue ):
Conference Hall, Institute of Applied Mechanics, National Taiwan University
三、 大會語言(Official Language ):
Mandarin; English translation is provided.
四、 邀請對象( Participants ) :
150 experienced engineers.